Help for Faculty and Teaching Assistants


Online Training and completion certificates for the ONCE application are now available through YULearn and can be found here

Before contacting us for help, please look at the questions below in case your question has already been answered.

Please contact if you require technical assistance with the application.

Instructor Training for Mid Course Evaluations

For any questions regarding the Training for Mid Course Evaluations, please refer to the Instructor Training for Mid Course Evaluations documentation.

Frequently Asked Questions


Will all courses have online course evaluations?

Students in all Undergraduate courses will have access to an online course evaluation questionnaire. Every course evaluation will include Core Institutional Questions and in many cases, Faculties and Departments also have questions in these online questionnaires. There is a university-wide 2 week window for access to the online evaluations, ending the day before the first exam date for each session.

Where can I find information about the Core Institutional Questions that students will be asked?

York University’s Core Institutional Questions will be asked in all undergraduate courses. Detailed information about how the questions were formulated and tested can be found in the FAQs posted on
YULink/Academic Resources/Teaching and Learning/Course Evaluations.

How do I add other questions to the online evaluation that is going out?

Each Faculty has a process for adding additional questions. In some cases there are questions that will be asked for each course in a Faculty or in a department. Questions about individual instructors or tutorial/lab assistants can be also be added. There is training available for administrative staff in each Faculty about how to set up evaluation questionnaires in the Online Course Evaluation system (ONCE) through YELC (

May I still use paper evaluations for my course?

Instructors may opt to use paper questionnaires for evaluation questions in addition to the Core Institutional Questions or for parts of the evaluation where comments are requested. In those cases students will have both an online evaluation and a paper evaluation form.

What are the advantages of online evaluations?

Online evaluation results become available immediately after final grades are released. Faculty members will have direct access to their own reports, and will have access to the feedback much sooner than if a paper evaluation issued.

How can I boost my response rate for evaluations?

For both online and in course evaluations the most effective way to increase the response rate is to give time in class for students to answer the questions. Some others suggestions are posted in YULink/Academic Resources/Teaching and Learning/Course Evaluations

Who has access to the online evaluation results data?

Faculty members have access to the data from their own courses and to the data for their TAs (where applicable). Department chairs/unit heads have access to the data from all courses in their unit. Deans or their designate have access to the data from all courses taught within their Faculty.

The results of the Core Institutional Questions for courses that are taught by YUFA and YUFA-exempt instructors will be made available to students after the grades have been released.

When are my results available and how do I get my results?

Please visit the Important Dates page for evaluation result release dates. To view your results, please login to

Why can't I view my course evaluation results?

If you are logged into the system when the course evaluation results are available and you are still not able to view your results ensure that you are in the correct academic year. For example if you are teaching a winter session 2014 make sure you chose the academic year 2013 (2013/2014)